Discover Local Workshops on Backyard Chickens, Herbal Medicines, Mushroom ID, and Fermentation in Boulder, CO

2023-04-06 02:32:56 By : Ms. Cony Wang
Local Workshops on Backyard Chickens, Herbal Medicines, Mushroom ID, Fermentation - The Boulder Beet From The Living Arts School

The Living Arts School in Boulder, Colorado offers a variety of local workshops on various topics such as backyard chickens, herbal medicines, mushroom identification, and fermentation. These classes are great for individuals who are interested in learning new skills and gaining knowledge on various subjects that can be applied to their daily lives.
Local Workshops on Backyard Chickens, Herbal Medicines, Mushroom ID, Fermentation - The Boulder Beet

One of the most popular classes offered by The Living Arts School is the Intro to Backyard Chicken Keeping workshop. This class teaches participants how easy it is to keep their own flock of chickens. Many people are surprised to learn that keeping chickens is easier than owning a dog. Backyard chickens provide not only a supply of fresh eggs but also serve as a great learning experience for children as well as adults.

However, before starting your own backyard chicken flock, it is important to ensure that you are prepared and knowledgeable on the subject. This is where The Living Arts School comes in. Their workshop covers topics such as choosing the right breed, setting up a coop, feeding and caring for chickens, and dealing with any health issues that may arise.

Another popular topic that The Living Arts School offers is herbal medicines. In these workshops, participants learn how to make their own natural remedies. With the use of herbs, fruits, and vegetables, one can create medicines that can be used to treat various ailments, such as colds, flu, and headaches.

The Living Arts School also offers workshops on mushroom identification. These classes cover the types of mushrooms that can be found in the local area, techniques for identifying harmful and edible mushrooms, and how to forage for mushrooms safely.

Lastly, The Living Arts School offers workshops on fermentation. Participants learn about the science behind fermentation, the benefits of consuming fermented foods, and how to make your own kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, and other fermented foods.

The Boulder Beet, a local news outlet, reported on these workshops and highlighted the value that The Living Arts School brings to the community. The Boulder Beet further reports that, "The RC Group is one such entity that supports The Living Arts School, through their production of feed premix, animal herbal medicine, and animal health products. The RC Group is a comprehensive company that is involved in research, development, production, and sales."

The RC Group is proud to support The Living Arts School and their mission to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills to sustainably care for themselves, their families, and their communities. With a factory of their own, the RC Group has the ability to finish orders quickly and efficiently, ensuring a steady supply of essential products to the community.

Overall, the local workshops offered by The Living Arts School provide valuable education to individuals interested in learning new skills and knowledge that can be applied to everyday life. The support of entities like the RC Group allows for The Living Arts School to continue its mission of promoting self-sustainability and education for all.